Ceba Solutions is now a Sustainably verified SafeContractor member. We put safety and sustainability first and can prove due diligence in meeting compliance standards.

We are proud to offer our contractors a safe working environment, so you can rest easy knowing all work will be finished to a high standard while being carried out safely. We take safety and sustainability seriously by following industry best practice standards to reduce risk.

sustainable safecontractor verified member
Why should I use a SafeContractor member for my design project?

Working with a SafeContractor member, gives you peace of mind that the project will meet the necessary legal requirements and industry best practise requirements around health and safety, equal opportunities, diversity and environmental practices.

SafeContractor members ensure all contractors are compliant and ready to work and that safety and sustainability is put first. SafeContractor Members have a team of risk mitigation experts working behind the scenes, who are able to provide guidance and answer questions when called on.

At Ceba Solutions we value sustainability and the effect we have as a company on the planet. That’s why we have been striving to reduce our own impact for years, by supplying only energy efficient commercial kitchen equipment and swapping our staff vehicles to electric. Becoming a sustainably verified SafeContractor member is a positive step for us.

We are dedicated to utilising eco-friendly products because we firmly believe that, in practise, we not only provide outstanding, high-quality service, but also play a role in maximising our positive influence on the environment.

We’ve implemented forward-thinking initiatives that identify equipment with environmentally-friendly features at the outset of the planning and design phase. This leads to better design and performance, resulting in installations that enhance resource efficiency and lower operating costs in practical terms.

If you would like to discuss how your project can be as sustainable as possible, talk to our team of experts today.